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Super Junior

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ohhhh, last time I tried to log in my blogger account, but failed. It showed that my blog has been deleted.
Lucky, I managed to get back my blog.
I wanna to complain about Weiliang, my form teacher. We had the Maths test today, it's so difficult and I left so many questions blank. Hate it.
Tomorrow is the school celebration for the coming National Day, after that is holiday alr.

昨天姐姐告诉我了一件令我很震惊的事,她的同学把自己宝贵的一次献给了一个并不爱她的男生,而当那个男生得到了以后,就把她甩掉了.真为这个女生打抱不平,世界上的男生没有一个好人,都一样. 所以说看人不能看表面,知人知面不知心.
上周,我见了另外一个姐姐的日本男朋友,他特地从日本飞来新加坡只是为了要见那个姐姐一面. 唉,都是历史惹的祸, 这辈子注定了日本人和中国人很难结合到一起. 本来好好的一对,因为国籍的问题,不能厮守在一起. 虽然这个姐姐有了新的那朋友,但是我觉得还是那个日本男生适合她. 印象当中,日本人向来看不起中国人,但是从那天那个男生看我那个姐姐的眼神中,我看到了真爱的存在,即使现在两人之间隔着一道墙.但我相信只要彼此坚定,什么难关都能过.虽然他不是很帅,但是很阳光,而且没有什么坏心眼. 我们吃饭时,他说的每一句话都深深打动我和我姐姐的心,眼泪也不自觉地点下来. 反而是那个新的那朋友,看起来表面很帅,好像很好,但是实际上却被女人包养,简直就是小白脸. 如果我那个姐姐继续跟他在一起,我看一辈子的幸福就这样毁了.
对我来说,国籍并不是一个问题,两个人能走到一起就是上天赐予的缘分,才要更加珍惜. 中国人和日本人之间的误会已经是上个年代的事情了,和现在也没什么关系. 只要两个人彼此相爱,管它什么国籍不国籍的问题, 什么都不要在意,最重要是自己幸福. 所以在这里也祝我这个姐姐幸福. 真的希望她能感觉到那个日本男生的诚意,早日重新接受他,一起共创美好的未来.
同时也要安慰一下姐姐的同学. 每个人都有遇到伤心的时候,最重要是自己怎么去看待他. 希望你能早日从悲伤中走过来. 反正世界上的好男生有的是,何必只留恋那个坏男生呢. 我们都说, 这个过去了,下一个会更好. 祝你早日找到属于你的幸福,忘记那个负心汉吧.

2:42 AM

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

The 20th TaiWan Golden Melody Award just over yesterday night.
All the results were alr out. Jay Chou won three awards include the Best Male Singer.
I feel happy for him cuz he had missed this awards for many years, this time finally won it.
For the female part, I was expected Fish Leong to get, but in the end , it was the women called Chen Shan Ni. I was damn angry. Fish Leong had been nominated for 5 years, she should get it.
She was looking forward to walk on the stage, but her wish never come true.
But anyway, she engaged alr. Congratulate to her that she had found a good husband lah.
I like the part where Super Junior came out.
When they appeared on the red carpet, I saw all the fans went crazy and shouted at their highest voice.
This time only 12 members attended, Kimbum did not come cuz he injured his legs.
They were the awards presenters together with Ariel Lin and also the performers.
They got performed" It's You" and ' Sorry Sorry".
Tomorrow school reopen alr, really dun want to go school.
See ya guys 2moro

5:04 AM

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Joelle just left my house.
She came this morning around 10a.m cuz we got to finish our holiday assignments.
We were left about half of the homework as we alr finished half of it few weeks ago.
Of course we would help one another, so I did Maths first while she was doing English homeworks. After that, we exchanged. ( What we did, you all should know lah, HAHA)
Then at about 11:30a.m, I cooked the Korean instant noodles for our lunch.
Then just continued with our homeworks.
One thing I must complain is that the Maths worksheets that are given by Wei Liang are damn difficult, I left many questions blank.
For some questions, I dun even understand what are they talking about. Asked Joelle, she also very blur blur.
I felt like giving up when there were too many numbers in a question cuz needed to spend a lot of times on it and I was lazy to calculate.
But anyway, I need to thank Joelle for helping me to draw the "U" shape for the graph questions.
After completed the whole five worksheets of Maths, I started teh English paper. Luckily, Joelle alr did the comprehension questions, so I could take a shortcut(smile) Friends must help one another ma.
I lend her my maths also, save my time, also her time.
Joelle played my laptop when she finished all her works. Nowadays, a lot of people get addicted to the Facebook. She everytime log into the facebook first before going to other websites.
She helped to change my blog skin just now also, it's Super Junior. The blog song is also Suju's "It's You", but only 30 seconds.
Then go watch 我猜 alr, uncle brought us to Paya Lebar for Macdonald. I ate a Mac Chicken meal and Joelle ate a Fillet-O-Fish meal. I just found out that she drink very slow. A medium size coke, she could not even finish when we reached home. ( Ah Jo, you got increase your speed alr)
Went to NTUC also, bought some bananas and snacks to eat.
Then watched "我爱黑涩会 and 模范棒棒堂 online.

Joelle's father came fetch her home.

5:34 AM

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WANGXUE,a girl from China. Likes to talk everyday. My Idols: Show Luo, Super Junior, Jolin Tsai, Ethan Ruan,SHE,Jimmy Lim, Angus Xie and last but not least, Zac Efron. That's my name, if you're not happy then GO AWAY. Anyway, please TAG nicely before you leave.


♥ アーカイブ ♥ aRcHiVeS

[ September 2008] [ December 2008] [ January 2009] [ February 2009] [ March 2009] [ April 2009] [ May 2009] [ June 2009] [ August 2009]

♥ 友人 ♥ FrIeNdS

Coral RCY (:
Syahirah (:
Coral 2/8(:

♥ リリク ♥ LYRIC

Neorago (Neorago)
Neorago (Neorago)
Nan nobunirago (Neorago)
Neorago (Neorago)

Dareunsaram pilyo obseo nan keunyang neorago
Dashi hanbon mullo bwado nan keunyang neorago

Imi noneun dareun saranghaet kkaetjiman
Nohl chilsuga obseo dashi dolikilsu obseo oh~

Nae nunbit chi deulkowo keu sungane
Gaseum kipi moseul bakdon sungane
Miryeon obshi baro nohreul sontaekhaeseo
Keurae nan neorago

Ona, keu nuga nuga mworaedo naneun sangwan obdago
Keu nuga nuga yokhaedo nomanbarabun dago
Na dashi taeor nandedo ojik nobbunirago
Jakku jakku shigani heullodo

Ona, nol sarang handa malhaedo chonbumanbon malhaedo
Nae gaseumsok dabultadago mareun ibsol dwedorok
Na dashi taeor nande do ojik nobbunirago
Jakku jakku shigani heullodo

Oh oh only for you oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you oh oh only for you (2x)

Amumaldo pilyo obseo nan keunyang neorago
Nomu neujordago haedo nan keunyang neorago

Jal motdwin sarang ingol algo itjiman
Pogi halsu obseo joldae nohchilsu neun obseo ah ah

Chadichan nae ibsul reul dor bureur ne
Ddeukor ubke nohreur chaja wichi ne

Bulobwado daedab obneun noijiman
Nol kidarindago

Ona, keu nuga nuga mworaedo naneun sangwan obdago
Keu nuga nuga yokhaedo nomanbarabun dago
Na dashi taeor nandedo ojik nobbunirago
Jakku jakku shigani heullodo

Ona, nol sarang handa malhaedo chonbumanbon malhaedo
Nae gaseumsok dabultadago mareun ibsol dwedorok
Na dashi taeor nande do ojik nobbunirago
Jakku jakku shigani heullodo

Oh oh only for you oh oh only for you
Nan neorago neorago naneun (wae moreuni wae moreuni)
Nan neorago neorago naneun na~

Keu nuga nuga mworaedo naneun sangwan obdago
Keu nuga nuga yokhaedo nomanbarabun dago
Na dashi taeor nandedo ojik nobbunirago
Jakku jakku shigani heullodo

Ona, nol sarang handa malhaedo chonbumanbon malhaedo
Nae gaseumsok dabultadago mareun ibsol dwedorok
Na dashi taeor nande do ojik nobbunirago
Jakku jakku shigani heullodo

Neorago (Neorago)
Neorago (Neorago)
Nan nobunirago (Neorago)

♥ テグ ♥ TAGGiE

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