The concert started with the song called" Zhong Guo Ren".
Oh My God! So many people and this is only the 1/3 of total
昨天晚上我去观赏了一场前所未有的演唱会,那就是刘德华的Wonderful World世界巡回演唱会。Wonderful World 的意思就是精彩的世界。我提前一个小时就到了新加坡的室内体育场,我本以为还没有多少人,因为迟到是新加坡人一贯的作风。但是没想到,当我到达的时候,已经有许多忠实的歌迷在门口等待。我看到了许多穿着一样的人,他们的年纪大概都是我妈妈那一级的,我想他们都是从小就看刘德华到大的吧。看着演唱会周边产品在短时间内就被抢购一空,就知道他们对刘德华的喜爱已经到达了什么样的层次。7点多的时候,保安放人了。我找到了我的位子,刚开始看着舞台的时候,以为只是一个平台,什么都没有。但没想到的是,8点半钟,当广播说演唱会正式开始的时候,我看到了最高科技的大屏幕开始移动,伴随着一首气势磅礴的中国人,刘德华从台下缓缓地升了上来。顿时全场接近一万名的观众沸腾起来。气氛被炒到了最高点。每个人手中都拿这一只荧光棒,在手中摇摆着。而刘德华在唱完一首首动听的歌之后,还不忘跟所有的人问好,他虽然是巨星,可是一点巨星的架子都没有。跟我们说话的时候就像和家人说话一样,是那么的随和。当忘情水的音乐一响时,他放下了手中的麦克风,这是全场歌迷一起大声的合唱这首经典的歌曲。刘德华不时还会跟我们开玩笑,说:“现在让我们回到一些早期歌曲的年代,台下的观众如果不会唱的话,我请你立刻出去。如果唱得不好,我就杀了你。”只听台下的观众个个捧腹大笑。演唱会的高潮不断。刘德华在一些歌曲当中还与女舞者上演了一出舞台剧,一起演绎了经典的牛郎织女的爱情故事。当刘德华唱完再说一次我爱你的时候,大屏幕上出现的一句:“I Love You!",这代表了他对歌迷的爱永不减。安可的部分,刘德华还请上了他的两个儿子,不过不要误会,是他亲手设计的公仔娃娃。白的叫Andox,黑的叫黑仔。他们两个的出现让整场演唱会大大加分,他们一家人在台上一起演绎了多首舞曲。当中Andox和黑仔的自我介绍更是具有娱乐性。在最后一首真 永远的时候,我看到有些歌迷已经了落泪了。再刘德华的多次谢谢后,他从舞台上消失了。就这样,一场爱与泪水交织的演唱会就此画下了完美的句点。这也是我来新加坡之后看过的最好的一场演唱会,我只可惜没有买到最贵的票。 Yeah, I went to watch Andy Lau's concert yesterday. It was at Singapore Indoor Stadium. About 9000 people attended the concert. I can say that it is the best concert that I ever watched before. Andy Lau is so handsome. Sorry the pictures are not so clear because my seat is quit far away from the stage. The concert started with the song called" Chinese", in Chinese we called it Zhong Guo Ren, all the fans shouting all the way. The stage is damn cool can, the screen is LED leh. It can separate into many parts. It opened when Andy Lau came out from the backstage. I shouted like a crazy person. After a few number of songs, he said Hi to us. He is very funny, he talked to us like talking to his family members. I remembered that there is one part where he said:" Now, Let's sing some old songs which you guys are familiar with. If you don't know how to sing, then I shall invite you out. Or If you cannot sing well, then I will kill you." When I heard this, I laughed until my stomach ache. He sang a lot nive songs like Wang Qing Shui, Tian Yi, Nan Ren Ku Ba Bu Shi Zui, Ai Ni Yi Wan Nian, Zai Shuo Yi Ci Wo Ai NI.......
The funniest part is when Andox and its younger brother Hei Zai came out, both of them performed the song calle" Superman" with Andy Lau together. They the sons of his. Don't misunderstand, the are the dolls that designed by Andy Lau, not the real sons. We laughed when Andox and Hei Zai introduced themselves. The last song is called Zhen Yong Yuan, and everyone of us sang together. At the end of the concert, Andy Lau said his appreciation to all the audiences and then disappeared from the stage. The whole concert last for 3 hours. And this is the best concert that I ever watched before.